〰️ Showing God's love one day at a time with outreach to addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless & the marginalized.

〰️ Showing God's love one day at a time with outreach to addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics, homeless & the marginalized.


The Bible verse "…the joy of the Lord is your strength" appears in Nehemiah 8:10. In this verse, the prophet Nehemiah encourages the exiled Israelites, men & women, to rejoice in the Lord because it is through that relationship they will find strength…AND JOY. Nehemiah says, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength". 

At Vine House we try and promote this message to people in their circumstance because it is LIFE for their souls.

So much happening

Join us as we offer this good news as well as our Free Coffee House, Mail Pick Up, Hair Cuts, Shower & Laundry Shuttle Services, Bible Studies, Support Groups, Referrals, Hope and Unconditional Love to this West Modesto Community and our Vine House Volunteers.


These flowers were left by one of our guests to bless vine house.  An example of beauty that lies beyond the mess in all our lives.  2022 will have thse beautiful moments.  Let's live with the expectation!

These flowers were left by a guest…

They are an example of the beauty that lies beyond the mess in all our lives.

We live with the expectation of these beautiful moments!


Contact us at vinehousemodesto@gmail.com or deliver to one of our scheduled events listed above. THANK YOU in advance for your thoughtfulness.



Find out about Vine House Modesto

Our mission, our methods, and the results

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DonatE / CONTACT / Get involved

Ready to donate, contact or get involved?


Vine House Modesto | 523 Martin Luther King Drive, Modesto, CA 95351 | PO Box 4223, Modesto, CA 95352 | 209-578-1940

VineHouseModesto@gmail.com | Follow us on Facebook and Instagram | Cheryl Van Horn, Director 209-324-9447